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The Shadun'Hasai are a secretive Twilight Templar Clan. Although their age is unknown, it is thought to almost match that of the Protoss race itself, if not somehow exeed it.


The Shadun'Hasai bear light-weight Power Armor composed of a mysterious silver-blue metal that is extremely durable and contains crystals that emanate strong psionic energies. Over this armor is draped a sort of ceremonial cloak and robes, and their heads are shrouded by a cloth of unknown material.


The Shadun'Hasai Clan implements such a wide variety of Warp Technologies for use in combat that it is nearly impossible to classify their weaponry to a single common instrament, however they are most often observed wielding dual "Force Blades", an advanced combination of Warp and Psi technology.


Members of the Shadun'Hasai clan, teach that to master the enemy, you must first master yourself, and as such, their discipline and self-mastery offers them many unique psionic powers and martial supremacy.

The secretive nature of the Sakile passes to their clan philosophy, in that they use control of their environment to dominate their foes.

Shadun'Hasai clan members are experts in mental disciplines and possess a wide range of psychic abilities, the end of which has not been determined. Common abilities that have been observed are material and mental manipulation of the mind and body, allowing the user to blink to different locations, making a target believe they see nothing, or even the material disintigration of an object or enemy.

Although many of the Nerazim that follow the Shadun'Hasai Brotherhood's clan philosophy ceremonially cut their nerve appendages, this is not a clan tenet and is not observed by all clan members.


The Shadun'Hasai are the only known clan philosophy to predate the Templari Division.

The only Tribe to bear this clan philosophy as a majority is the Sakile Tribe, however certain select individuals of other tribes have been incorporated into the fold of the Shadun'Hasai.

Shadun'Hasai is an old Protoss compound word meaning "They that strike from the shadows" or more literally "Shadow Strikers".

Because of the legendary standing of the clan as saviors of the Protoss, the clan's true name is somewhat held in reverence and they are referred to by the Dark Templar as the Naga Su'n or "Deliverer's From Afar".
