Starcraft Fan Fiction Wiki

The Hybrid serpent is a type of Protoss/Zerg hybrid transport based off Nydus worms.

Tremendous in size, these creatures not only burrow through planets, but space and time. This allows them to enter virtually anywhere they want no matter what kind of defense a planet has. Even the most powerful Protoss shield will not stop a worm from simply teleporting through.

As for defenses, the Hybrid serpent's hind is immune to most psionic attack rendering psi and warp blades useless. For attack, Serpents simply crush anything in their path. For more difficult targets, they can simply create a temporary hole near a star to suck in half a planet. Even an army of Archons would not stand a chance of slowing these creatures down. Only the Xel'Naga and Hybrids are powerful enough to tame a Hybrid serpent.

Special abilities:

  • Transport abilities
  • Psi-resistant Hide (passive) - unit is immune to psionic and energy attacks
  • Dimensional hole - creates a hole that destroys 1/4 the map and everything in it


